The crisis leads Italians to favour pasta over second-course dishes: over the first two months of 2012, sales of fresh pasta have been increasing at a 4% rate – both in terms of volumes and market share –compared to the same period in 2011. The credit goes to the pasta industry’s ability to innovate. In Italy, pasta production can count on cutting-edge technology which grants Italian products an edge over global competitors, especially those from emerging countries whose only benefit is low price.

This is the evidence emerged in the course of the round table titled “Technology increases fresh pasta consumption. In Italy and abroad” held this afternoon at IPACK-IMA. Special guests included Giovanni Rana, a leading industrialist and world-famous fresh pasta producer. "Technological development is key to maintaining high quality in Italian production – explained Mr. Rana – and this is especially true for fresh pasta”. Alessio Marchesani, food technologist, Storci, agrees and underlines the crucial role of innovation combined with constant attention to certified quality in competing on the global arena.
The findings emerged during the meeting support the results of a recent research conducted by Fipe-Confcommercio. The analysis reveals that in Italy the crisis is strengthening a habit which has been developing for some time now: first course and side dishes are preferred over second-course dishes, leading to a progressive increase in pasta sales.
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